Monday, September 28, 2009

Churchgoers aren't perfect

Dante Rozier
English 1101
September 24, 2009

Churchgoers Aren’t Perfect

Some churchgoers have a tendency to push other people into something they don’t want to do. Whether it is intentional or not, most people do not like to feel pressured into anything. My grandparents are very religious people and they tried to raise me according to their biblical values and beliefs. The type of person that my grandparents wanted me to be and the person, that I would become, are two different people. It is not because there wasn’t enough love or too much hate. The main point is that my grandparents should be proud of the man that I have become and as churchgoers realize that things don’t always go according to plan.

Do churchgoers have a plan when it comes to their religion? At one point in time, I used to think that when you become a member of a church, you are subject to a membership clause. For example, some members act like it is a sacrilege when you want to visit other churches even though you are a member of that church. Churchgoers have to understand that it is not an act of betrayal when you want to experience other churches. Sometimes, you want to try something different without making it sound like you are leaving the flock.

When you look at churchgoers, you see people that put their faith in the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the morals and values that come with it. It is possible to have churchgoers that put their faith in the wrong things. It is possible to have churchgoers that put their faith and morals into the wrong things. It is said that we should not put ourselves above physical things such as money. Money is used in a lot of ways whether it be good or bad. Some people can "reap what they sow" or face certain consequences for their actions. The cliche:"For every action,there is an equal and opposite reaction" comes to mind when you made bad choices. Churchgoers are capable of making bad choices. There is no law or bible scripture that says that a churchgoer has to be perfect. As long as you treat people the way you want to be treated, the rest will take care of itself.

Feeling the Holy Ghost has many different ways and explanations. There is no right or wrong answer as far as how to explain it. It could mean a feeling of rejoice and satisfaction of being a child of God. I have visited churches that shown different ways of feeling the Holy Ghost. One way is by praise dancing. Praise dancing has become very popular in a lot of churches. I do not know the origins of the dance,but it is exciting to watch. In most churches, the church members have their children do the praise dances for the whole congregation to watch. Watching the children dance with such grace makes you feel really good about being there whether you are a member or not.

Sometimes, there are people, in this world, that can be as friendly as Mr. Rogers from “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood”. Then, there are people that can be the meanest human being you have ever met. Churchgoers are people who are naturally nice by nature. How do we know when a churchgoer can be perfect or flawed? Churchgoers are human beings that should not judged by a person like myself. At the same time, Churchgoers should not start a crusade for the purpose of judging other people just because they can. Churchgoers are not perfect nor should they be treated as such.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My First Essay

My First Day at My Job

One of the things I wanted to do when I left the military was to make sure I am financially stable. A popular strategy that was told to me was to advertise yourself by any means necessary. Advertising myself had to include: hand carrying resumes to potential employers, making frequent trips to the Department of Labor in my town seeking employment, searching newspaper ads for job fairs in the local area and /or around the state, and searching the World Wide Web for the type of job that I am qualified for. With all these tips, I was able to find my current job at Robins Air Force Base in Warner Robins, Georgia as an Electronics Technician. There were several factors that lead me on the path to pursue this job and eventually, my first day on the job.

One of the factors, as previously discussed, was my home life. Like many home lives, it had its good times and its pitfalls. I was a boy growing up in a man's time waiting on the day that I would become a man. I grew in a small town called Dudley which is about 45 miles southeast of Macon, Georgia. I lived with my grandparents in a double-wide trailer that sits on about 2 acres of land surrounded by pine trees with sticky leaves on them. There were pecan trees too. All around me were wooded areas, green fields where the cows live. There were also different flowers that you could smell for miles all around the area. If you sniff too much, you might smell something that you might not find very pleasant. As a kid, I liked to read my fair share of books. I remember a book that I checked out from school for a book report was "A Tale of Two Cities". Reading that book, like countless other thereafter, gave me a sense of actually being a part of the story. You would actually feel enchantment and great joy all at the same time as if you are one with this book. Besides reading, I was very curious about a lot of other things.

I remember, at one point in time, the very first radio that I owned. I would often think about a popular song by LL Cool J when he said “I can't live without my radio". I think the name of that song was called "Radio". One day, I decided to open up my radio and see what it would look like on the inside. I guess it was a combination of boredom and curiosity all at the same time. Either way, I was determined to see what made this radio tick. When I opened it up, I saw a lot of strange pieces of equipment that I did not understand. I wanted to ask one of the adults to help me identify the components inside the radio. Then, I was thinking that might not be such a good idea because of questions from them such as: “Why did you do that?" or “What on earth were you thinking?". My family, in a sense, would not understand my curiosity or yearning to learn new things.

Another factor involved in pursuing my current career was determining:"Where I would get the training to do the job?” During my senior year in high school, I was a teenager with a lot on his mind. The typical questions of a teenager include: "Do I want to go to college?”If so, which one? "Do I want to join the military?" After a great deal of thought, I decided to join the military. I proceeded to see a recruiter for the United States Army right after graduation from high school. A couple of months later, after signing my life away, I was on my way to a training center right outside of Columbia, South Carolina.

If you ever served in the military in any capacity, then you would understand the brutal hardships endured during your stay in Basic Training (otherwise known as "Boot Camp"). Being in Basic Training for two months was like being in the worst place that you would never want to go in your life. You are constantly being harassed by a man that would stay in your face day in and day out. This person would do this just because he could (or at least that is the daily lie that he told me). The good news is that when you leave that place, you would forever be a changed person for good or bad. My next destination, after Basic Training, was A.I.T. (Advanced Individual Training) school. The school, at the time that I went, was in Augusta, Georgia on a base called Fort Gordon.

While at Fort Gordon, I was able to acquire the electronic skills necessary to advance myself to the next level. During my travels in the military, whether it is the beaches of the Dominican Republic or in the United States, I found out that hard work and perseverance were the key factors in pursuit of my current job position. On June 18th 2001, I reported to building number 624 on Robins Air Force Base. In this building, I would be given access to the facility in which I will be working. After getting access to the facility, I would have to wait until someone come down to the Visitor Control Center and escort me to my work area. That someone would either my supervisor or someone from my work area to walk me inside. Once I get inside the facility, I walked around and met my fellow co-workers. Afterwards, I would have a face to face conversation with my new boss. I have to admit, despite all the paperwork I had to fill out, that it was a pretty, interesting first day on the job.